Friday, July 29, 2016

Friday Links!

Leading off this week, and it's awesome: Ethan's Make-A-Wish. DQ reader Ken Dean's son Ethan has Cystic Fibrosis, and his wish was to be a garbage man for a day. You may recognize this from the annual link I put up when Ken participates in the Great Strides event, which raises money for CF research.

DQ VB.NET Advisor Garret Rempel has a gaming company now, and a website, and here you go (and I know it will be excellent, like everything else he does): Tricorn Games.

From Geoff Engelstein, and boy, this is discouraging: N.F.L.-Backed Youth Program Says It Reduced Concussions. The Data Disagrees.

From C. Lee, and what's the Japanese word for "dirtbag"? In first, Tepco admits ice wall can’t stop Fukushima No. 1 groundwater.

From Wally, and this is an excellent read: The Ghost Towns That Were Created by the Oil Rush. This is fascinating: What Things Cost in Ancient Rome. Next, and this is the most expensive cheese in the world: A cheese made from... donkey milk? Next, and this is one of several things that are more disruptive than anyone can imagine today: Yes, you can totally use beer, coffee and hemp for 3D printing. This is just funny, with good detective work: Diablo Sandwich / "Diablo & Doc" From Smokey & the Bandit, Identified!

From Steven Davis, and this is just stunning: Functioning ‘mechanical gears’ seen in nature for the first time.

Here are two long, excellent, and very sad reads to close out the week: first, it's A tragic fight between college-bound basketball stars changed lives forever. Next, and man, this one is going to stay with me for a long time, it's Jonathan and Aaron and ... :No one but Aaron Hernandez will ever fully grasp how a millionaire tight end came to gun down a friend three summers ago. But Aaron's older brother, Jonathan, was there from day one, and he witnessed all the little moments, all the poor choices, all the unwise associations that led to murder. That perspective cost Jonathan his way of living—but that's O.K. He understands.

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